- Publisher: Beacon Press
- ISBN: 978-0807075050
- Published: October 1, 1994
“Blood, Bread, and Roses” reclaims women’s myths and stories, chronicling the ways in which women’s actions and the teaching of myth have interacted over the millenia. Grahn argues that culture has been a weaving between the genders, a sharing of wisdom derived from menstruation. Her rich interpretations of ancient menstrual rites give us a new and hopeful story of culture’s beginnings based on the integration of body, mind, and spirit found in women’s traditions. “Blood, Bread, and Roses” offers all of us a way back to understanding the true meaning of women’s menstraul power.
Foreword by Charlene Spretnak
“[Grahn’s] intriguing excursion through folklore, myth, religion, anthropology and history bespeaks a feminist conviction that male origin stories must be balanced by a recognition of women’s central role in shaping civilization.”
-Publishers Weekly